Monday, April 29, 2024
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BTC is the ticket symbol used to represent Bitcoin.  1 BTC refers to one Bitcoin.  2 BTC refers to 2 Bitcoins, etc..

Bitcoin wallet

A software program that stores your Bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies.  A wallet is essentially your bank account for your Bitcoin and/or other cryptocurrencies.


Blockchain is distributed ledger technology. These digital ledgers contain data such as transaction records, attributes; all in chronological order.  The records in the block chain...


A form of digital currency created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. Bitcoin is a decentralized network that allows users to transact on a peer-to-peer basis,...


An ASICMiner is specialized hardware to mine Bitcoin. ASIC is an acronym that stands for: Application Specific Integrated Circuits. See ASIC.


Acronym for "application-specific integrated circuit". ASIC typically refers to specialized mining chips or the whole machines built on these chips.  An ASIC chip is designed...

Air-gapped computer

A computer that has never touched an external connection, ie: the open web.  An air-gapped computer never connects to the internet.

What Is Mining?

Mining is the process which new coins are created and given to computers to help maintain the network.   The computers, or humans that operate...

Can I pay with Bitcoin?

Yes, you can pay with Bitcoin & there are merchants that are accepting Bitcoin as a source of payment. Would you *want* to pay in...
Bitcoin piggy bank savings line icon. |  |

Where Do I Keep My Bitcoin?

You store your Bitcoins (and all cryptocurrencies) in a wallet.  Choosing a wallet is an important aspect in investing in crypto; there are many...